
LinkedIn For B2B Lead Generation: 5 Features To Look For

If you’ve been following along, at the very end of last year I hit you with my ‘aha’ moment – that is, how COVID transformed both my business, and my relationship with my business.

How did it do that? Well, the Victorian lockdowns and other barriers to traditional sales and marketing provided me with the motivation to develop a LinkedIn managed service, which I had been thinking about doing for a while, to drive consistent B2B lead generation and nurturing. This, in turn, has led to predictable, scalable growth in the Higher Ranking business.

In brief, my solution combines the best of the software, with the human touch required to keep things ticking along.

Now, my focus has moved to helping other clients facing the same challenges. In this article I wanted to provide a very high-level overview of the features, functions and benefits you should be looking for in any tool or service that claims to drive B2B lead generation on LinkedIn.

Just a note here – while other tools exist, usually called account-based management software or similar – none that I have seen offer the ‘managed service’ element that drives the functionality of LinkedIn to the next level.

Five features to look for in a LinkedIn lead gen tool

  1. Focuses on peer-to-peer networking. LinkedIn wasn’t set up to function like a billboard, so you shouldn’t treat it like one. Any tool or service should focus on enabling direct conversations between humans – not ‘spray and pray’ mass sales and marketing messaging.
  2. Comprehensive support to get the best from LinkedIn. LinkedIn best practices are always changing, so unless you’re someone who stays on top of all things LinkedIn, make sure you’re going to have support from a dedicated account manager to help with optimising your profile. After all – it’s the first thing your prospects are going to see when you initiate contact with them.
  3. Leverages your existing profile – no fakes! Believe it or not, some tools out there want to create a fake profile for you to generate leads, rather than using your real one. It goes without saying this is a horrible foundation for engaging with prospects, and these tools should be avoided like the plague.
  4. Support to manage leads. If you’re prospecting on LinkedIn at scale, there will be a lot of messages to follow up on. This can be incredibly time-consuming. Again, ensure you have a dedicated point-of-contact to help manage your leads, as well as sort the wheat from the chaff, book meetings into your calendar and so on.
  5. Help with tech support and adoption. For a truly managed service, you should expect not only tech support, but also guidance to integrate the tool into your business processes. After all, no one needs yet another piece of software that doesn’t get used properly, because no one ever explained how to use it!

How can we help?

Higher Ranking is an Australian digital marketing agency that supports Australian businesses of all sizes to drive quality leads which generate revenue for your business.

We are proud to bring our LinkedIn Lead Generation tool to the market. It’s a one-of-a-kind solution that takes away most of the ‘heavy lifting’ of the traditional methods of LinkedIn lead generation, without compromising on the quality of the leads.

We’d love to show you how it works – you can book a demo using the link below.

Book A Demo Here

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