LinkedIn prospecting and B2B lead generation

Fill your sales pipeline and drive growth with Higher Ranking’s streamlined LinkedIn lead generation software.

Traditionally, generating sales leads is a time-consuming process that involves networking, attending events, and many in-person meetings. These still have a place, but at Higher Ranking we know there’s a better way.

Higher Ranking

The Higher Ranking platform

Streamline your lead generation

Our fully managed and B2B lead generation platform is an easy-to-use prospecting tool that connects you to new faces, builds your sales pipeline and drives revenue growth, quickly. 

Unlock LinkedIn's potential

Plugging into LinkedIn’s one billion members across more than 200 countries, our unique platform combines the best of technology with human experience to do the heavy lifting for you and free up your time to focus on closing sales

Target the right clients

Select your target audiences’ job roles, industries, businesses and locations to make sure you’re in front of the right people at the right time. The result? LinkedIn prospecting that converts more high-quality leads into sales. 



From startups and small businesses to SaaS founders and fully fledged sales teams, we partner with clients of all sizes to help businesses grow.
LinkedIn prospecting

The professionals who benefit from the Higher Ranking platform

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Small-to-medium enterprise owners are spinning a lot of plates and there are only so many hours in the day – you don’t have time to orchestrate a sales team. Higher Ranking’s easy-to-use platform is fully managed and automated, meaning you’re supported by our sales prospecting experts who do the leg work for you.

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As an SME sales lead, you’re out there meeting people and making connections. But manual prospecting and networking takes a lot of time – how do you keep leads warm? We can help you work smarter with automated messaging and responses, manage multiple flows and prioritise leads to get better results.

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Many B2B SaaS founders get to a point where you’ve tapped your network for investor funding. You need to acquire new leads from a bigger pool. With Higher Ranking’s LinkedIn lead gen platform, you can target bigger segments while only focusing on the right people at the right time. We use your bespoke messaging, combined with our human responses and AI to customise every interaction.


What clients say about us

LinkedIn prospecting

Seamlessly integrate with LinkedIn Sales Navigator

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Targeted prospecting

Our unique software integrates with LinkedIn Sales Navigator to target your future customers.

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Automated connections

Make connections on your behalf, saving you time and effort.

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Personalized messages

Send a sequence of bespoke messages that resonate with your target audience.

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Qualified appointments

Secure permission-led phone calls or appointments with prospects who are interested in your services.

LinkedIn prospecting

Key features and benefits

Smart inbox and light CRM make responding to leads easy

Easily reply to responses, label hot leads, toggle between campaigns and edit auto messages all within the platform to make sure no opportunities are missed.

Native email and CRM integration ensures better lead tracking

Email and CRM integration means you can capture lead data, track performance and activity, create detailed sequences and send emails in one place

Multi-channel messaging means knocking on more digital doors

While our standalone platform plugs into LinkedIn, it goes well beyond InMail with multi-channel messaging across email, SMS, video and voice drop (record a voice message that drops into voicemail).

AI integration gives you a personal EA who never sleeps

AI-integrated messaging takes away the leg work by creating personalised messages and responses, and making tone suggestions – such as witty, professional, or casual – to sound human and avoid a templated reply feel.

Case Studies

Real success stories


We spend time with clients to educate you and make sure you’re nurtured throughout the whole lead gen learning process. That starts with a one-hour onboarding session, where we work with you to define your target market and audience filters to help set up your first campaign. During this session, you’re set up within our platform and trained how to use it. That includes navigating your dashboard and the bespoke messaging needed to populate your message flow.

Part of our process involves measuring and adjusting campaigns to make sure you’re getting the most value and seeing results. We organise monthly campaign review meetings to share insights on performance and workshop any changes to your campaign’s approach as needed.

Most clients create bespoke message content before or during the onboarding call.

However, we can help tailor your messages based on our experience of what achieves the best results. We also have a number of templates within the platform that can help streamline the messaging process.

Once your campaign is underway, you can get back to doing what you do best. Our automated software is always on in the background and our experienced team manages simple responses for you, so no message goes unanswered. This frees you from the burden of manual lead generation, which is 90% of the workload. We then email you when a warm lead responds, so you only have to focus on the final 10% – closing high-value leads.

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