
Higher Ranking’s LinkedIn Managed Service Helped Me Grow My Business, And My Confidence

Higher Ranking’s LinkedIn Managed Service Helped Me Grow My Business, And My Confidence

Guest post by Caroline Warnes – Director at Only Good Content

I’ve been following Kym’s recent articles about Higher Ranking’s LinkedIn Lead Generation Managed Service with a lot of interest. In particular – I’ve read How COVID + LinkedIn Transformed My Business (And Yours, Too) several times.

Why? Because I’ve been working with Kym and his team for the past few months to grow my own business, and I’ve been hoping for a similar transformation. And while I’m still relatively early in my journey, I can report that it does work as promised. I can feel a similar shift happening in the relationship I have with Only Good Content.


A bit of background about me – I launched Only Good Content during the pandemic, having a young family and wanting more autonomy. I also identified a significant gap in the B2B market. We specialise in high-quality, industry-focused marketing and communications content, with a heavy focus on written and long-form.

Note that when I say “we”, I really mean “I”. I’m a solo operator with a fancy name, but I have always had big dreams about scaling upwards and outwards so I can grow the business and create a steady pipeline of leads.

Aside from future growth, there was also the more immediate challenge of creating reliable streams of income. It’s no secret this can be a major challenge for solo operators, so you’re always hoping to lock in multiple reliable clients on retainer. While I already had several of those, there was room to do better.

Support to solve challenges

Until I met Kym, I hadn’t really given much thought to how I was going to bring on more retainer clients, let alone grow and scale for the future. I was doing okay and getting by, so it was always something I wanted to do, but left until tomorrow because I was busy enough getting stuff done today.

Working with Kym and the Higher Ranking team really helped me change my attitude towards bringing in new business. I had no idea I could use LinkedIn so reliably for lead generation – without investing vast amounts of time I don’t have. It’s not a totally “hands off” process and you still have to put in the work to nurture your prospects, but we’re talking one hour a week instead of the eight or nine you’d be spending doing things yourself.

On the road to transformation 

Since the end of last year, I’ve expanded my client book significantly. Some of these have been ad hoc projects, but I’ve also landed a couple of those elusive retainer clients – the Holy Grail for solo operators.

My transformation journey is not complete, but I do feel I’ve made really significant progress. The best outcome has been the boost to my confidence – I can see the longer-term vision for Only Good Content, rather than fighting through the day-to-day.

I’ve even made a significant life change, which I don’t think I would have had the courage to do, prior to working with Higher Ranking. I’ve made the move from a capital city to one of Australia’s most desirable regional beachside locations. I’m sitting on my balcony, admiring the pool as I write this! It’s always been my dream to live somewhere like this, and now I’m here – I couldn’t be happier.

I couldn’t recommend this service more highly, and encourage anyone looking for scalable B2B growth to give it a go.

How can we help?

Higher Ranking is an Australian digital marketing agency that supports Australian businesses of all sizes to drive quality leads which generate revenue for your business.

We are proud to bring our LinkedIn Lead Generation tool to the market. It’s a one-of-a-kind solution that takes away most of the ‘heavy lifting’ of the traditional methods of LinkedIn lead generation, without compromising on the quality of the leads.

We’d love to show you how it works – you can book a demo using the link below.

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